Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why Christianity?

I know that a few of my classmates and others who don't have the same view on life as me are going to be reading this bolg. So I'd like to answer an obvious question about me. Why the Christian faith?

First I'd like to make it clear that this is going to be incredibly brief recounting, and I have more important reasons for believing then the ones I'll be listing. But not more coldly logical ones.

The first big question is of God, or god, or higher power or whatever you want to call it. There are two basic options, either there is or there isn't.

Because of our human limitations we only have the evidence we can see and touch and hear, science, to explain the world and were it came from. Unfortunately it can't. The problem being time.

Time by it's nature is finite. Which means at some point it began. This causes a problem because it's one of the dimensions of our physical reality. Basically science fails at this point. There is no way to test or measure or experience what happened before time itself began.

The strange realisation here is that all explanations for the universe are supernatural (not of our world).

That's not proof for a higher power, but it does put the higher power on equal footing as any other belief. If there isn't a higher power we wont understand how we got here in our lifetime, if ever. It would require either going outside, or seeing outside the dimensions we live in. That just hurts my head. I think if I gave up on a higher power I would either become a nihilist or a glutton. Seems to me there's not much point in doing anything but just enjoying yourself if there's no purpose to life.

So either the compulsion human beings have to believe in something greater then themselves is some sort of survival instinct or its driven by a deep knowledge of the truth. All I can say for that is that if it is survival instinct it's not doing a very good job.

As I see it a higher power could be intelligent or mindless. If it is mindless I would think that all religions are basically various degrees of misunderstandings of the truth. After all, who's good enough to understand it all? Any and all religions would be handy to know about in that case. Taoism and Buddhism being my picks as probably being the closest to the truth.

What if it is intelligent? Well I would say if it was it would want to be know to us. If it doesn't then it might as well be mindless. What I mean is that we are really only guessing what it's like.

So if the higher power is intelligent, and wants us to understand it, it seems to me that one of the religions are spot on, or at least was spot on before we started misinterpreting and changing it. You see the monotheistic religions, despite what you may have been told, are completely self-reliant. Basically put, if you remove one part then it all falls apart.

From here Christianity wins me on elegance. I'm definitely not talking about the idea you've got in your head about Christianity. The down side of living in a "Christian nation" is that Christians have become incredibly lazy through years of religious dominance.

Most Christians and "Christians" don't have a clue. Most don't have parents who have a clue. Most are running off what they have picked up in Sunday school.

Combine that with the epidemic that has gone round in the last 4 decades, "baby Christian syndrome", which is basically a trend towards weak, baby-level teachings, and you have little hope of getting a well thought out picture of what Christianity is.

This blog is about my battle with understanding. It is about my conception of the world. It is about my refusal to believe anything just because I've been told it. It is about the endless questions I pose my own beliefs. In this blog you will see Christianity and "Christianity" through my eyes, the eyes of a sceptic on the inside.

1 comment:

  1. hey Jonathan :) (have no idea how to spell your name, hope thats right)
    I'm not Christian but I am always asking people of different religions about their faith and what they believe. I have full respect for people who respect themselves and their religion, and those who still respect themselves without a faith. It's the ones that are "christian" and decide that they can still 'break' so many parts of the faith and still preach to others, that irritate the hell out of me (pun not intended but it kind of makes me smile).
    I love the debate and I am totally looking forward to reading your blog :)

